Inés Granja - Remembranzas - La Voz de la Marimba [Bánfora Records]
Inés Granja - Remembranzas - La Voz de la Marimba [Bánfora Records]
Inés Granja is one of the most important singers and composers of the traditio-nal marimba music of the Colombian South Pacific, with more than 50 years of experience. This musical tradition has been declared an Intangible Cultural He-ritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
REMEMBRANZAS To the rhythm of cununo, bombo, and guasá, and accompanied by the melody of the marimba and choral games, this album is rooted in traditional rhythms such as juga and aguabajo. At the same time, it proposes new sonorities with guitar arrangements and a brass section. It also explores genres such as the Peruvian zamacueca, Cuban son, and salsa; and instruments such as the African kora.