JSBL - Twice Upon Two Times [JBSL]
JSBL - Twice Upon Two Times [JBSL]
A circle of friends. A shabby rehearsal room. A band called JSBL and their debut.
Opener “The Flu”, is great listening material with the potential to make you dance your shoes off. The best pair even! On the other hand “Der Mann mit den Schwankungen” (“The Man with the Fluctuations”), is a track that slowly but surely evolves into a monumental Jazz-rock hybrid.
Next is “Jimbo”, a razor-sharp, uptempo, instrumental broken power load with a mind-blowing key solo. This guy must feel like he’s on an infinite roller coaster ride on the JSBL claviature. “Rekindle of the Libido” starts off with a Contemporary Flow Bop and ends in a dramatic Cyberfunk Orgy. Thematically not far away is “Fooled by Needs”. A gigantic bassline interacts with synth, drums and guitar to produce acoustic pleasure of the third kind. Full spectrum annihilation! Weird psychedelic 70s atmosphere is what best describes “Parental Square ´79”. This bizarre sneaker brings “Twice Upon Two Times” to a gentle close. Gentle and a little bamboozled.